Sunday, September 28, 2008

Google Turns 10

This not the reason I am writing this post :) I am neither an employee nor a share holder of Google (unforunately i.e.)
I write this post to highlight the site for the tenth birthday. It's a nice timeline kinda feature which tells you about the history of Google. Groovy...or is it Googley ;) 

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Project Management from the Developer's Perspective: Series by Stacey Mulcahy

This is something very close to my heart, so just could not resist posting this up!! 
I've been a Flash developer myself for about 7 years and been managing Flash Development projects (with a host of other technologies) for about 5 years now. Stacy post is very real life and also talks about some of the daily issues we face (as developer or a PM).
She plans to write a series on the topic going forward and am surely will be looking forward to the same.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Adobe Flash CS4 Announced

As you have surely already read, Adobe Flash CS4 was announced today. It's been quite a while since I last used Flash (coding part that is; I continue to solution and manage products/projects based on Flash) I really was impressed with the overall Flash CS4 look. Some new features are really impressive and hit hard!!!

You can find more information on Flash CS4 here.

You can find more information on all of the new CS4 tools here.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Driving Adobe: Co-founder Charles Geschke on Challenges, Change and Values

One of the best interview article you will ever read in your lifetime!! Do read the embedded PDF, it has the Adobe corporate philosophy, really cool. A definitely must read!!

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Monday, September 08, 2008

Google Chrome: The Comic

You must have by now heard and maybe have started using Google Chrome. It's a new browser by the big daddy himself. I've been using it for about a week now but today I sawand read something real interesting about it.

Google has come up with a comic, (yes u heard right!!) to explain what went in the development of Chrome. Not only it is very interesting it's also very innovative way of explaining the users whys and whats of the product. Another first from Google!!! (or is it ;)

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Wednesday, September 03, 2008

AS 3.0 STRING-Concatenation Error: Very Interesting!!

A very interesting post by Colin Moock in which he discusses a very common error thrown by AS 3.0 compiler because of String concatenation.

A more interesting and very details explanation is followed as well by Francis Cheng.

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